It's arrived 11 years too late, but yesterday I finally got to hear Blak
Twang's first album.
The reason it had never reached my ears upto now was because the lp by this legendary UK mc was never released... Promo's were sent out, five star reviews were given but the the label
(Sound of Money) went tits up.
For all this time the only hints I had were two classic singles 'Real
Estate' and 'Dettwork Southeast' and a handfull of white lables that I've
I'm pleased as punch to say that it was worth the wait.
Grab the singles or dive straight in...
Dettwork Southeast (single)
Real Estate
Dettwork Southeast (full album)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bracken (Chris Adams of Hood) released 'We know about the need' to little fanfare or widespread acclaim last year, which is a damn shame because it was a bit of a sleeper classic. Very electronic in it's production with songs that often battered speakers with bass or threatened to fall apart. All of this accompanied by vocals that were as complimentary to the music as you could hope for.
Whether you loved the album or have yet to hear it, the good folks at Anticon have got a treat for you: Bracken's Autumn Podcast.
The blurb on the site lead me to believe that this was just a half hour slice up of the album (and perhaps some other niceness) but no.... It's half an hour of brand new original music, taking on everything from his floaty electronics, to dubstep leanings and even a fucking awesome cover of Subtle's 'The Ends' (last track from For Hero:For Fool)
Grab the podcast here
professional thomas
8:17 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Buck 65 strikes back soon with his new album 'Situation'
Released on Sage Francis' record label Strange Famous, it sees Buck take on a more straight up hip hop direction. A new song was posted up at Spinner...
Shutter Buggin'
Check the pre-order deals here.
professional thomas
2:55 PM